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Creating a strong R&D profile for Master’s degree programmes

Creating a strong R&D profile for Master’s degree programmes is a national network project administrated by HAMK for all universities of applied sciences in Finland.

The project aims for:

  • Reforming activities related to Master’s degree programmes
  • Raising the RDI profile of Master’s degree programmes
  • Supporting networking activities and drawing on the diversity of networks
  • Strengthening, developing and renewing transfers of knowledge and competence between higher education institutions and workplaces
  • Striving for a more multidisciplinary quality in workplace innovations, bringing teaching and workplaces closer together
  • Supporting the development of communal knowledge.


  • Work organisations are increasingly diverse in terms of such aspects as age, cultural factors, language, competence base, health, social backgrounds and operating capabilities. A Master’s degree often aims for leadership roles, and the education must thus provide competence in new leadership skills that can be exploited in managing both people and multidisciplinary projects.
  • New diversity-related competence will be needed in new environments where work organisations and universities of applied sciences meet to exploit the innovation potential of diversity.
  • At the core of this work package is recognizing and building up the competence potential of different people to make each employee’s personal expertise available for communal use.
  • It will develop  operating models for leading diversity, both as learning materials and documents, to be used in education and the workplace alike.