Work in Talent Boost: good opportunity or a big challenge?

Blog Post Written by Talent Boost Trainee, Daria Lomova

Talent Boost. Boosting of Talent. What Talent? How to boost?

There are plenty of questions that might occur when people meet us for the first time. Then, everyone knows we are aiming to help students to find their professional path and become a part of the Finnish working society. But how? Well, each time it is difficult for us to answer briefly since we do everything. Everything we want.

“If I was not a trainee, I would never know what it means to have that high level of freedom at work. Of course, we need to follow general Jamk rules, but it is us who finally decides what we want to do for students during the semester and how.” – Daria Lomova, Tourism Management student trainee.

Anyone of us can choose and decide what exactly we want to do, and this is how we reach a big diversity in everyday tasks.

“I was managing end-to-end podcast series of Talent Boost. It was exciting and interesting experience, and I am happy that Talent Boost gives opportunity for interns to be independent. As a person, who has so many crazy ideas, I was happy that my idea found full support among Talent Boost and my teammates.” – Dilyara Kenzhebayeva, International Business alumni trainee.

Our tasks are not limited to Talent Boost but can also be a contribution to our own degree programmes.

“My Purchasing and Logistics degree program wanted me to take more field specific responsibilities. For example, I planned activities for the whole 2023 year. Among them there are the first time ever “Student meets alumni” event, CV clinic and study tour to Äänekoski as there are many companies from our field. I also visited sessions of Development as an expert course. Hopefully, students really benefited out of this.” – Bushra Faruque, Purchasing and Logistics Engineering alumni trainee.

Talent Boost offers as many experiences as everyone of us wants to take. However, there are couple of common things that we boost and develop together – time management and teamwork.

“I have learnt to appreciate the different strengths and weaknesses that each of us has as well as how to work together to produce the best possible outcome. My time management skills have also greatly improved since I have been able to prioritize on different tasks to ensure I meet the deadlines for the assigned tasks and also balance the project teamwork with classes. I believe that these skills will have a long-term impact on my future career life.” – Lelan Jepkoech, Nursing student trainee.

“I appreciate the support I got as a trainee, so I could develop my skills and learn new things together. I had the chance to meet new people who inspired me to continue my journey in Finland as an international student.” – Mays Al-Azzawi, ICT student trainee.

The advantage of our work is flexibility. However, it can become a real challenge at the same time.

“Sometimes you have to be flexible and “answer” the responsibilities of the on-call work. You may also do the two-week hours just in one week or even less if needed. Otherwise, we have a wonderful team, which is super motivated and passionate about what they do. This also gives you motivation and positive energy during the workweek.” – Daniil Ryzhinskii, International Business student trainee.

There have been already 2 different teams in Talent Boost.

”Both teams were amazing. Everyone’s talent and abilities immediately started contributing towards the goals of the project.

About the first team I have especially liked that they were the explorers of the project – together we were able to build the map and the foundation of the path which the project is following now.

The second team’s best quality is how quickly everyone had stepped into work with exceptional professionalism. In the beginning, it even seemed that everyone had been doing the Talent Boost job activities already for quite some time.” – Anna Zhuravleva, Talent Boost project assistant.

We can talk a lot about details of our work. However, the best way to learn about it is to become the one of us. The new team is expected to be effective, outgoing, ready to try new ideas and take tasks to continue the tradition of Talent Boost further.