The last days…

Tervetuloa blogiinni My time in Finland is coming to an end. I’ve made lots of new friends and I’ve truly learned a great deal about the Finnish culture and, to summarize my study shortly, their natural resources. I passed my courses at the biocampus and now I only have one more challenge left. Last week […]

Seals, mud, exhaustion

Tervetuloa blogiinni Hi there, welcome to my blog again. It’s been an interesting journey to write about my adventures here in Finland. This blog I’ll try to be a little more funny and not too serious. School simply continues anyway, there’s not too much going on there. However, the past weeks there have occurred several […]

Trees, lakes and trees

Tervetuloa blogiinni, A very warm welcome again to my blog. I’m already halfway my semester in Finland, it’s unbelievable how time flies when you’re having fun, <- cliché alert. The past weeks I’ve mostly spend on my courses in school to follow the program the way it is meant to be. It’s been an enormous […]

Dullness overtaken by cold

Tervetuloa bloginii, With another few weeks in, I once again dared to pick up the pen. It’s time to let you get to know some of my other new experiences, including some particularly uncomfortable ones. First however, I’d like to turn my attention to rather more official matters. Since this is an exchange made possible […]

Finnish sauna life ain’t no joke!

Currently a month in Finland! Now, I’ve decided to light up this blog and see where it’s gonna get me. Lets start of with introducing myself. My name is Romein Houwink, I’m a student from The Netherlands studying in the city of ’s-Hertogenbosch at the HAS University of Applied Science. What I do there is […]