Busy times in the TEPATE-project – many activities ongoing
8.9.2023 A fruitful, intensive week in Mozambique included workshops on TEPATE project activities at the Pedagogical University Maputo (UP) and ISET One World; an international conference; and courtesy visits and meetings with the UP’s and ISET One World’s top management, the Finnish ambassador and education counsellor at the Finnish embassy, and the Mozambican Vice-Minister of Education, […]
Videoblog 3 from the 21st Century Skills Nepal project
4.2.2022 Equitable access to teacher education in Nepal Producing a new university programme in the field of teacher education in Nepal is not an easy task, particularly when some of the teachers you are trying to reach live in work in the hills and valleys across the Himalayas. Nepal Open University has begun such a […]
Videoblog 2 from the 21st Century Skills Nepal project
22.10.2021 Collaborative communication and participatory decision-making leads to high quality co-creation development in a new masters degree course in digital pedagogy and 21st century skills in Nepal. This video was published in September. Video blog: What has Tribhuvan University learned so far? More information Project website
TEPATE Mozambique – development activities under way
21.5.2021 The development activities of TEPATE project are proceeding according to plan. Due to the pandemic, the development activities are being carried out online, at least until the end of June. After that, the project activities continue in September. The modality of those activities will be assessed later. In March and April, the first part of […]
The 21st Century Skills Nepal – Video blog
26.4.2021 In spite of not being able to travel, work has progressed in Nepal and Finland to get the project started. Co-creation teams involving experts from Tribuhvan University and Nepal Open University from Kathmandu, Nepal, as well as JAMK and HAMK Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland have been collaborating remotely to organize online workshops to […]
21st Century Skills in Action – To teach something you have to be able to do it yourself
9.3.2021 Creating a master’s degree programme that includes 21st century skills that qualifies successful graduates to work as a teacher is a complex matter. We first have to define what we mean by 21st century skills and then decide how to produce concrete learning tasks so that the ideas can be integrated into the educational programme […]
MOPEDE is turned on
5.2.2021 The Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia (MOPEDE) – project’s official opening event was held online on 26. January 2021. Over 50 representatives from partners and cooperatives in Ethiopia and Finland attended the event. Experts from Finnish partner universities JAMK and Centria, Federal TVET Institute and its Satellite colleges, Federal TVET Agency, Ministry […]
TEPATE Mozambique – Key Experts’ thoughts after the Inception Phase
5.2.2021 The Key Experts of the four partner institutions of the TEPATE project have now been working together for 5 months. Due to the on-going pandemic that prohibits face-to-face project meetings, the Key Experts had to start getting to know each other and working towards the project’s objectives entirely online. This has also meant getting acquainted […]
Modernizing the vocational teacher education in Ethiopia
4.2.2021 Pedagogical and technological development of e-learning is one of the strategic development areas in vocational teacher education and training in Ethiopia. According to the Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (EEDR 2018) equity seems to be well addressed in TVET gender participation. The female participation, on average, is about 51 %, but female students are enrolled in […]
TEPATE Mozambique kick-off event successfully held
10.12.2020 The kick-off event of the Theory-Practice Balance in Teacher Education Project was organised at the Universidade Pedagogica de Maputo, Mozambique on 24 November. The event was organised in a hybrid format that enabled both physical and online participation. Present were 70 participants, 57 out of […]
TEPATE Mozambique Project: Inception phase in full swing
18.11.2020 HEI ICI projects start with an inception phase, the importance of which is greater than ever due to the on-going pandemic. The purpose of this phase of the project is to ensure that there is a clear, mutual understanding of the expected results set for the project among the project partners and core project group, […]