Working in business development and marketing at Tridea Oy by Benjamin Leary

I started my internship at Tridea Oy some 5 months ago now originally just withinmarket research roles which then started to include the creation of marketing materials, amarketing plan and the beginning of building sales pipelines and partner relationships. Essentially, the company provides solutions to make it easy for small and medium sizedcompany managers to […]

An Internship At a Bridal Store by Lilibeth Borges

I started my internship at a bridal store, Wedding Garage, in December of 2020. I chose this company as my internship place not only because I had prior experience being an intern at a clothing store, but also because this company matched one of my most important values: inclusivity for all sizes. The store owner […]

My blog about practical work in Altek by Daniil Semenov

In October 2020, I started looking for a practical job to gain experience, credits and new connections. I had been looking for an internship in Finland for a long time, but unfortunately I never got it, so my search circle narrowed down to my native country – Russia. I understood that practice was needed primarily […]

From Finland to The Netherlands for a Creative Agency life by IB student

Last winter I had a chance to do my traineeship with a job offer afterwards in a leading creative agency in Rotterdam. It was a long process to find internship or traineeship as my focus was specifically on the Netherlands due to my very memorable exchange in Utrecht the year before. My exchange year helped […]