Soulbus eCoach 2nd pilot completed

201509_pilots are finished2

The Soulbus consortium successfully developed and piloted the B part of the eCoach eLearning content . The content is specific to individual country and profession needs that the partner pairs (University and supporting Working Life Partner) identified at the beginning of the project when a Case study was done and summarized into a Case repository.

From that Case repository each partner pair identified issues that hindered their abilities to provide rewarding and stimulating education to a part of their student body. These represent a growing number of international students attending university  who lack access beyond courses taught in English to further academic development by a shortage of available resources for applying their studies in direct work with clients under professional supervision of mentors; for example: a lack of common language between students and mentors, lack of guidelines for introducing students to their new environment and helping them adjust as well as clearly communicating expectations by the members of the faculty or mentors for successful completion of their practical placement; finally, the individual cultural differences that govern behaviors and influence thoughts and feelings of individuals which may lead to misunderstandings and misjudgments (or positive discrimination) in student performance.

Partner pairs identified a range of approaches to solving these issues which will cater to all higher education institution and working life partner institutions facing multicultural challenges regardless whether they are just starting out in sending their students abroad for exchange, accepting foreign nationals, having them in practical placement or graduation. These include activities such as collaboration of home national and foreign national students in activities during placement, guidelines for faculty members and mentors on how to approach mentoring foreign national students as well as teachers understanding their own biases in grading foreign students, workshops for incoming students on how to enjoy studying and successfully pass exams… All these are now available online, so to find out more – please visit the following website or click on the picture below!
