Retkikeitin – historian havinaa

Producers’ experience of Fiskars slow food festival

A logo of finish garden tool and scissors brand Fiskars which the village is named by The slow food ideology...

Kids’ Festival

Natural pigments The pigment that you see in the picture is made from vegetables or fruits. Those are natural pigments,...

Local Food in Jyväskylä

Our group focused in investigating the local food scene in Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä is located in the heart of central Finland...

The Local Culture Hostel & Café

What Local Culture Hostel & Café? Jyväskylä has a long and interesting history. There are many historical signs in the...

Tasting and Doing the Slow

This is the 9th Slow Food Festival. The autumn had painted the trees in Fiskars, and over 60 producers were...

Meat Products and Producers – WHERE does the meat come from?

In the Slow Food festival in Fiskars, there were quite a lot of meat products, producers, and of course buyers....

Bakery products at Fiskars

We had an opportunity to visit at the Slow Food Festival in Fiskars Village. At the Festival over eighty producers...

Farmer’s market

“Forget the imported vegetables and foreign fruit; now it’s all about fresh, local and sustainable.” – quote from a farmer...

Visitor’s experience

At first when we finally got to Fiskars Village after four hours in a bus, it felt we had arrived...

Sustainability and taste experiences in the autumnal Fiskars

When we arrived in Fiskars it felt like being transferred to another time. The sense of a historical atmosphere was...