PT story by Ivan Cherviakov

Hello everyone! My name is Ivan Cherviakov, I am a second-year IB student. I did an internship at Ferry Broker. Ferry Broker is a transport company based in St. Petersburg, Russia. The company provides such services as customs clearance of cargo, preparation of documents, pick up of cargo from delivery point and delivery of cargo […]

From intern to a full-time employee at Nordea Bank Oyj by Igor Kajander

Last year in 2021, I was studying abroad at a university in Moscow. At the be beginning of 2021 I started actively seeking out practical training positions and summer jobs for myself for the upcoming summer. I have applied for dozens of places in central Finland. Some of them progressed to the interview but most […]

Intern in Monetra Oy by Anna Karhu

Hi everyone! My name is Anna Karhu and I’m a third year IB student. I did my practical training in Monetra Pirkanmaa. Monetra is municipally owned company, established by the cities of Oulu, Tampere, Kuopio and Jyväskylä. The company provides services such as financial management, HR services, administrative services, recruitment and many others.  As I […]

Practical training at KeuPa HT by Arno Vepsäläinen

Finnish professional hockey organization KeuPa HT was looking for a student that was studying sports business management at JAMK to do their practical training with the club. They had some good experiences with previous students and the CEO of the club was actually alumni himself. I thought it would be a interesting opportunity because the […]

Positive work experience in an eco-positive company by Polina Kiseleva

So, after the second year of study, I decided that I wanted to put my knowledge into practice and improve my marketing skills. I got a job at a Russian company WE ARE THE PLANET, which produces and sells natural, vegan cosmetics. The main mission of the brand is to change the world for the […]

From practical training to a permanent job by Nea Tiihonen

I did my Practical training for Paytrail Technology Oy in Spring of 2021. Paytrail Plc is a company specialized in online payments. Paytrail is part of Nets which was just bought by Nexi and they offer payment solutions. Paytrail Technology Oy is part of Paytrail and it’s a technology company that specializes in software design […]

Selling half a million house at practical training by Eero Vaija

I did my practical training at Jyväskylän Kotijoukkue Real Estate company as a sales negotiator. The company is located operates in Jyväskylä city centrum and operate all over the Jyväskylä. We currently have 5 brokers and 2 rental agent – which I´m still after the practical training. As a sales negotiator I did have a […]

Practical training at a retail bank by Julius Veikkola

I started this internship in mid-August with little to none experience or knowledge of how banks really operate. During the first few days of the onboarding, we received our equipment, setup our computers and got to know more about the company (OP Group and the retail bank Opset/Tribedo Oy) operations as a whole. After this […]


After a long time struggling to find a suitable internship, I decided to join WILDCATS – an international organization which operates mainly in Asia or South-east Asia. The main goal of the company is to connect young entrepreneurs or talented people with creative business ideas with existing companies. In addition, WILDCATS also support these young […]