
“The Playful Kraken” – Part 7: Dissecting “The Playful Kraken” 

The following sections are reserved for answering the following questions: How can you tackle the topic in a more manageable...

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 6: The Preliminary Results? 

This blog begins to answer the question: What were the results of this preliminary research, aka the plunge into the...

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 5: …And Discussions Remotely

Through my connections, I facilitated excellent discussions with interesting people from geographically close by, as well as from the other...

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 4: Discussions Close By

I would like to thank all of my colleagues, Kalle Raijonkari, Ilari Miikkulainen, Teemu Pölkki, Juha-Tapio Teno, Jere Lamberg, Jarkko...

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 3: Showing the Current Situation of the Research, and Getting Feedback

In my previous articles I discussed the difficulties of starting “The Playful Kraken” and the process of creating the questions....

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 2: The Actual Questions

I have gathered many Game Industry areas and sectors that I have been involved with during my career, using a...

“The Playful Kraken” – Part 1: Difficulty of Starting a Wide Topic Research 

The idea of “The Playful Kraken” has been in my mind for several years. It has slowly grown into far...

Peliala oli yksi COVID-19-pandemian selviytyjistä – mitä muut luovat alat voisivat oppia pelialalta

Luovien alojen määrittäminen on vaikeaa, koska ne muuttuvat ja kehittyvät koko ajan sekä uutta liiketoimintaa syntyy jatkuvasti liittymäpinnoille, joissa eri...