Practical Training in the infrastructure/construction sector
I was told by a good friend of mine, that this company had posted a job offer online, and that...
Internship at VisitJyväskylä
My internship was taking place at a local tourism company, VisitJyväskylä. It opened a place marketing and digital marketing world...
Digital Marketing Management Internship @ Millenial Medical Oy
During my internship at Millenial Medical, I jumped feet first into the world of digital marketing. I did not expect...
Practical Training Experience In Bahrain Financing Company, Kingdom of Bahrain
Being able to work in such a big MNC whose headquarters are located in Bahrain, I feel obliged to write...
Practical Training in the Marketing in Russia
I am Ilia Maslov, and in the summer I have been to Russia, Saint-Petersburg, where I have been going through...
3 months in the legal industry – Brussels
I got some internship offers back in December 2018, all of them were in the Marketing sector, but this offer...
Practical training: Waste to Energy- Finding Possibilities and Problems in Bangladesh
Summer is coming. I have nothing to do with…let’s do a practical training. No, not really. Actually, things does not...