Yrittäjyyskasvatukseen avautui komission erillishaku

Komission Yritystoiminta ja teollisuus –pääosasto (Enterprise and Industry Directorate General) järjestää haun liittyen yrittäjyyskasvatukseen (Entrepreneurship Education). Hakemusten viimeinen jättöpäivä on 16.4.2012.

  • Hankkeiden kesto on 18-36 kk riippuen painopisteestä.
  • Hankkeiden aloitus 1.12.2012.
  • Partneriryhmän koko vähintään 3 maata (mukaan lukien hakijamaa). Hakukelpoisia maita ovat EU-, ETA-, EU-jäsenyyttä hakevat maat sekä Albania, Israel ja Serbia.
  • Haettavan tuen määrä enintään 250 000- 500 000 € riippuen painopisteestä.
  • EU-tuen osuus enintään 60 %.

Contracts & Grants Entrepreneurship Education

Deadline: 16/04/2012
Number: 28/G/ENT/CIP/12/E/N01C01
The objective of this call is to promote projects with a high added value at European level in education for entrepreneurship. Actions will target teachers and young people in primary, secondary and tertiary education.
Projects to be supported will focus on one of the following objectives (priority areas):

  • Creating trans-European models for primary and secondary school teachers to support the development of their skills and methods in applying entrepreneurial learning to different teaching subjects and to different contexts.
  • Developing, organising and executing cross-European training/education workshops for teachers of entrepreneurship at institutions of higher education (universities, colleges, business schools, universities of applied sciences, etc.).
  • Creating a European online platform for teachers/educators to enable the cross-border exchange of good practice, methods and teaching materials in the field of entrepreneurship education.
  • Developing and testing a European common framework of tools and indicators to assess entrepreneurial mindsets, attitudes and skills acquired by students in entrepreneurship education.
    Hakuohjeet ja hakulomakkeet ovat komission verkkosivuilla.