JAMK School of Professional Teacher Education in the thick of it

project manager Graham Burns with colleagues from Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Ireland and Spain, as well as R and D Manager, Hannele Torvinen.

In the week leading up to the Christmas break, a two-day planning meeting was hosted by JAMK School of Professional Teacher Education to discuss and plan in outline a new Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project idea to explore an emerging idea in the world of pedagogical approaches. Adaptive expertise in environments is an exciting new approach that extends the fundamental idea of individual learning that is entrenched in the world-renown Finnish education system. This new approach requires all those involved in education, whether they be managers, teachers, administrators or teacher educators, to adapt their way of working according to the individual needs of a learner on a continual basis.

The intensive two-day meeting, moderated by JAMK SPTE project manager, Graham Burns, involved colleagues from Belgium, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Ireland and Spain, as well as JAMK SPTE’s R and D Manager, Hannele Torvinen. There were many very interesting discussions, culminating in an a common understand of the new approach, a number of required intellectual outcomes and the means of achieving them. Finally a proposed time schedule of the proposal’s actions was sketched and agreed. The group are planning to submit their proposal in the upcoming call for Erasmus+ KA2 in March 2020.

The consortium hope that this action will lead to a larger CBHE opportunity involving a number of new partners in southern Africa beginning in 2023.


Graham Burns


In the picture attendees of the meeting:

Left to right: Ruth Wouters – University College of Leuven and Limberg, BE, Rik Vanderhauwaert – the Catholic Schools’ Association of Flanders, Graham Burns – JAMK University of Applied Sciences School of Professional Teacher Education, FI, (on screen) Julian Ng – Warnborough College Ireland, IE, Dorien Sampermans – the Catholic Schools’ Association of Flanders, BE, Hannele Torvinen – JAMK University of Applied Sciences School of Professional Teacher Education, FI, Saša Kregar – the National Education Institute of Slovenia, SL, Willem Maurits – Fontys University of Applied Sciences, NL, (not shown Ana Polomo – Valle de Sol School, SP