Practical training in Finland
My practical training took place in Finnish company which name is Tridea, its main office is located in Jyvaskyla. This company work and develop different startups of other companies and also Tridea is currently working on their own startup. This is the tool which helps to the companies measure and analyze the customer experience inside their own firm. These three months of practical training period gave me a lot of experience and overcame my expectations.
I had to help the company in achieving its goals, by creating the marketing strategy and helping with a content making. Also, my responsibilities were linked with different marketing analyses, for example I helped the company to find the competitors, target market and auditorium.
All this helped me to create the concept of efficient advertisement strategy with the content itself. But before achieving it, I had to explore new ways of content creation. I had to explore new programs like Photoshop, Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects to create the desirable content for advertisement.
In conclusion, this practical training was very cognitive and even funny, because it is always interesting to explore something new, I would strongly recommend to work in this company if somebody want to find interesting and modern place, where everyone can learn something new everyday and bring the outcome in the production way.
Author: Vladimir Denisov