“Säästöpankki kokemus” – “Savings bank experience”

My name is Nelli Översti and I am now a second year IB student in JAMK. Last summer I was able to experience the real savings bank experience when working for them here in Jyväskylä.

What do I mean with the savings bank experience? In Savings bank we want to create the best individual experience for the customers and therefore also for the employees. And I personally was able to get it while working fot them.

Savings bank was a trustworthy and flexible employer. My needs and wants were listened and they took me as part of their community even though I was just there for the summer 2018. Here in this picture you can clearly see how well I was able to fit in this community and how nice time had all together at work but also outside of it.


The pictures were taken from Säästöpankkien Kesäpäivät 2018 -event.

Also this picture was taken from the same event but on the cruise. We as pirates took over the boat!

Maybe these pictures clarifies my Savings bank experience and shows that if I pass by the office I am welcome to say hi to everyone. Maybe one day I will walk there and bring some sweets and enjoy them all together over coffee. 🙂