Practical training
Since the October of the year 2018, I started to work in Metener Ltd as Chinese market coordinator and Chinese market manager which supported by the ELY project, the mission of my work is to help company setting exporting strategy to Chinese market, in order to increase the competitiveness of Metener. ELY project is initiated by Finnish Food, Transportation, and environmental center (Elinkeino, Liikenne, and Ymmpäristökeskus).
Metener Ltd is a bioenergy researching and project designing, manufacturing, as well as biogas technology consulting company. It locates in Laukaa, central Finland. The main products are biogas plants and relevant equipment, such as biogas upgrading unit, pressurizing equipment, etc.
Due to the fast developing of Chinese market and heavy support by Chinese government to the renewable energy, act as a target innovation company, Metener Ltd was preparing to launch a Chinese marketing campaign. The campaign programs include attending the match-making event, which was organized by Business Finland, talking with potential customers face to face, updating the product portfolio based on the latest data, as well as other marketing formation.
In the company, I am in charge of communicating with customer directly, collecting the firsthand data from local market, and helping chairman to set the new strategy and product.
I benefit a lot from the eight months working experience, which includes professional skill and soft skill: how to deliver a unique selling point speech within a given time, how to adjust myself in different working environments, how to price the product according to the market, how to calculate the cost of the project, etc. New working experience has been gained, different working cultures have been experienced, especially the Finnish working culture and Chinese working culture, in this international cooperation, how to intergrade two different working cultures together and push the cooperation move forward is a critical question that needs to be solved. All of these are the helpful experience for my future career. As a small innovation company, there is a huge potentiality to join the global competition, however, there is still a long way to go.
Thanks for Metener giving me this opportunity to experience the real working life in Finland, and sincerely hope that Metener will achieve a big successful in the future developing.
Author: Chaonan Fan